Friday, August 5, 2016


I believe, everything is a matter of learning and conditioning. As long as you really want and you are so much determined, you can learn anything; you can condition yourself to learn it. Everyone is capable of anything. The mind is more powerful than you can ever think of it. Loving, letting go, forgetting, hurting -- all of these can be learned.

Emotions, feeling of hunger and thirst, circadian rhythm, and body temperature is controlled by that tiny almond-like thing in our head called the "hypothalamus". The next time someone would call me a nut-head, I wouldn't mind it. Cause this little nut in my head lets me manipulate certain things that most people think of as uncontrollable. You may not have absolute control over it. And it may even, sometimes, take control over you (i.e., feeling irritated cause you're hungry, feeling anxious cause you're feeling hot, feeling down cause someone belittled you). But when you have conditioned yourself on how to counteract these kind of situations, then it wouldn't be a biggie to face them all by yourself.

I have realized a long time ago that you cannot control how others would think and behave. But if you could at least have major control over yourself, that's a good start on how you could manipulate things. And by that, I don't mean you can move things without touching them. I mean, you can cleverly influence others with them not having a hint about it. Well, isn't it good for you?

You may disagree with my point here, but wait til you get to it. It's not plainly about power over others. It's more of authority over oneself.

Now, I like to end this brief stance of mine with one of my favorite quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson:
"To be great is to be misunderstood."

11:53PM, 4/20/16

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